5. Taking Self-Responsibility. I take full responsibility to consult with my physician, psychiatrist, psychologist or my fiduciary, and to screen myself for this retreat. I acknowledge that Self-Love on the Salish Sea, conducted by The Stars' Seeds LLC dba The Self-Love Hippie does not know the complete history or health status of me or other participants, and cannot guarantee my outcome, experience, likes or dislikes, absolute safety, or well-being. While the retreat is intended for adults who have already achieved a certain measure of accomplishment, learning and success, Self-Love on the Salish Sea, conducted by The Stars' Seeds LLC dba The Self-Love Hippie facilitators or course affiliates have no way to tell me in advance whether it is appropriate for me or what effect some portions of the retreat may have on my unique character. I must determine what is best for me. I will take responsibility to be informed to my satisfaction and that of any of my caregivers mentioned above to see that I am physically, emotionally, and mentally stable enough to successfully take this workshop.
6. Not My Fiduciary. I understand that Self-Love on the Salish Sea, conducted by The Stars' Seeds LLC dba The Self-Love Hippie, its facilitator and coaches, employees and team members are responsible only for presenting the retreat in an orderly manner and according to its regular procedure. Though the retreat affiliates may assist me with what I choose to accomplish, neither Self-Love on the Salish Sea, conducted by The Stars' Seeds LLC dba The Self-Love Hippie nor its retreat affiliates are my fiduciary and I do not expect this retreat to be administered with the standard of care expected of trained medical or mental health professionals. If I feel adverse effects of mental or physical discomfort approaching what I deem unfit, I promise to tell the facilitator or retreat assistants immediately. I understand I am free to leave the retreat at any time for any reason. If I need assistance from anyone, professional or otherwise, I take full responsibility for leaving the retreat and obtaining it for myself and at my own expense.
7. Right to Exclude. Self-Love on the Salish Sea, conducted by The Stars' Seeds LLC dba The Self-Love Hippie, facilitators, coaches and staff retain the right throughout the entire retreat to exclude people from the retreat for any reason.
8. Assumption of Risk. I am fully aware that participating inSelf-Love on the Salish Sea, conducted by The Stars' Seeds LLC dba The Self-Love Hippie, may contain risks of physical, emotional, and psychological injury. I know and understand the scope, nature and extent of the risks involved in the program and activities contemplated by this Agreement. I voluntarily and freely choose to incur and assume any and all such risks and dangers.
9. Exemption from Liability. I hereby fully and forever discharge and release Self-Love on the Salish Sea, conducted by The Stars' Seeds LLC dba The Self-Love Hippie, its facilitators and coaches, and its retreat affiliates and participants from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of any damages, both in law and equity, in any way resulting from personal, physical, psychological or emotional injuries, distress or death sustained that I claim out of this workshop or any of its associated activities. This includes sickness, loss, damage or injury resulting directly or indirectly from the negligence of Self-Love on the Salish Sea, conducted by The Stars' Seeds LLC dba The Self-Love Hippie, and affiliated staff, its retreat participants, or from any other cause or causes.