Welcome to our site members community! This is a safe place where you can interact and have conversations with like-hearted souls 💫
Let’s start with getting to know you! Create your own post telling us your name, where you’re at in the world, and a realization you’ve made in your awakening/self-healing journey 🫶🏻 I’ll go first:
I’ve had type one diabetes for 24 years, meaning my intentional choices have quite literally kept myself alive. I carry confidence with that, that I’m the expert of my body and that I have a voice (in this scenario especially with doctors) that I get to use to choose the paths I walk. And a realization during my journey is that this huge confidence I have for how I take care of and speak for my body is the confidence I get to choose to have for everything else I do in my life. ⚡️🙌🏻
Now I wanna hear yours! 💝
Soul happy to have you here! 💕